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VeriforceONE Suggestion Box


Reporting (Dashboards, Data Access, Reports, Widgets, etc)

Showing 2


Please improve the ability to enter hours, this task alone is a daunting and time-consuming task. It would be great if hours could be uploaded via a spreadsheet to all hiring clients enrolled into the profile.
Guest 6 months ago in Reporting (Dashboards, Data Access, Reports, Widgets, etc) 0 Awaiting Review

VeriSource - Track outstanding assigned OQs by Job Title

I want a way to track if an OQ assignment has 1) never been done, 2) has been done but is not currently active, and 3) is done and currently active. The end goal is to easily pull monthly reports to show assigned task completion rates by job title...
Guest 11 months ago in Reporting (Dashboards, Data Access, Reports, Widgets, etc) 0 Awaiting Review